
Greetings, and a warm welcome to all.

This site you have come across, for whatever reason and by whatever means, is intended to keep those close to me - friends and family - as up to date as I can in regards to the projects and happenings of life during my two- to three-year 'sabbatical' between my B.A. grad and my entrance into a Masters program. I have a lot stacked upon my plate which I hope to accomplish in this time - I have goals I hope to achieve and ambitions to realise - and I can only do this all with the help of Adonai and my wife - and you.

In preparing for graduate studies, I must improve upon and maintain a certain level of written skill, thus this site will be an outlet to focus and keep disciplined in that regard. In this way, perhaps this site shall act as a means of accountability. Certainly, it will be a means to express myself to you, work out my faith, and journey together as it is in the written medium I am most comfortable (though this does come with its dangers), and it is something I enjoy.

This academic hiatus will inevitably be a time of personal growth in many areas of my self and my relationships, and here you will see much of the fruit from these labours. It is my hope it will be informative, edifiying and pleasurable.

On this site I will be posting my papers, sermons, and thoughts for those who are interested in such. These thoughts of mine will be posted in the form of a blog of sorts (Signs of a Delusional Mind) as well as the occasional article and paper. You may also intermittently find here drawings, and poetry. I hope this will be - at least in some way, on some level - an enjoyable adventure for all of us.

And if you have something to say - a well-wish or an ill-wish - please use the Contact link found in every section on the top of the right-hand panel.

Please also see the copyright terms for use of the content on this site.

** Please be advised that this website has been created on and for Mozilla Firefox as well as Apple Safari. If you are viewing this via Internet Explorer not all the formatting will display properly. **

News and Updates

12.06.23 :: I've been spending a bit of time doing some coding updates, so if you're experiencing any problems with the website (weird visual display, broken links, etc.), please use the Contact form to let me know, to the best of your ability, where and what is happening so I can correct it. Thank you! And don't hesitate to let me know what you like and don't like on the site. Keep seeking edification and enjoying it! With a passion!

12.04.07 :: ATTENTION!! Over the course of the next week I will be updating and fixing the mark-up for the entire site, therefore you may encounter problems as well as some elements that do not display correctly. Please bear with me through this process. Thank you.
12.04.05 :: Quite a lot has been going on in the past month, both in my civil life and my work life, so I haven't had much of a chance to sit at the computer lately due to the busyness of life. However, life is coming back down to normal so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. I've got ideas and I've recently purchased a new book on CSS so there may be some changes in the website - some big, some small, and most of them will be unnoticeable unless you're really detail oriented. At any rate, keep coming back if you haven't already given up on this place because believe me, there are plans in the works.
Thanks to all those who come and check this out every now and then. Feel free to use the comments option on the blog and/or the Contact form. Peace to y'all; and keep expanding your minds. May you be strengthened and edified as the Lenten season comes to a close.

12.02.09 :: A quick update to those of you still visiting this place. There are a few things currently in the works; unfortunately, I haven't been on the computer much the past week so not a tonne has been accomplished. However, I do have some (new and old) drawings I've scanned for the pending Sketchbook page, which is the next section being constructed. Additionally, I have a few blog posts in mid-composition that may be fun and interesting for many of you (I am hoping to get into a routine for these and post some as regularly as possible - it's a good discipline for me to keep up my writing and critical thinking). Plus, I'm working on a mobile version of the site, since that's the way things are going these days. So, keep coming back and checking things out. And don't forget to leave comments. Peace to you! Keep thinking, learning, and enjoying it while you do it!

12.01.23 :: The Poetics page has been loaded, filled with around 30 poems from the past 15 years or so. I hope you find them fun and perhaps some thought-provoking.
12.01.11 :: It's the new year! And, actually, I can't believe January is already almost half-done... I've added an option on the Pizza Quest section to sort by rating, in case that makes it easier for some. Additionally, I'm currently working on completing the Poetics page and getting some poems all up in this piece. For the time being, enjoy the current material. Feel free to contact me using the Contact form, or leave a comment on a blog post as you feel led. Above all, learn lots and have fun doing it.

Archive ⇒
:: Blog | Nov 3/22
I love Thrice. I don't think there's any hiding that fact. The last one of these ...
:: Quest | May 24/13
A long-standing franchise with an ordinary product that all tastes the same ...
:: Writings | Sep 25/16
Sermon : Sodom and Gomorrah

:: Projects
● This very site
● Finish Catechism
● Finish Chess Set
:: Reading
:: Listening To